Brief History
Chung Chi College was founded in October 1951 by the representatives of Protestant Churches in Hong Kong to fill the need for a local institution of higher learning that would be both Chinese and Christian. In 1955 it was formally incorporated under an ordinance of the Hong Kong Government.
The College had a very modest beginning with only 63 students in the first year. It used borrowed and rented premises, first in the Cathedral Hall and St. Paul’s Co-educational College on Hong Kong Island, and later on at No. 147 Caine Road and in the Bishop Hoare Memorial Building on Lower Albert Road. Expansion was made possible by financial help from North America through the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia and the Trustees of Lingnan University, and from Britain through the Asia Christian Colleges Association. Local churches, firms and private individuals also gave considerable support. In
1956 the College moved to its permanent site in the New Territories, in the beautiful Ma Liu Shui Valley. In 1963 the College was incorporated as one of the three founding colleges of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

The College Emblem

Drawn from the Nestorian Stele in the Tang Dynasty, 8th century, the emblem design consists of a Nestorian
Cross with a flame standing upon a lotus amidst a dense cloud. The cross, the flame and the lotus symbolize the Christ’s life, a light in the darkness, and his holiness respectively, while the dense cloud heaven. The pattern has strong implications in Christianity in the East, and integrates Chinese and Western cultures. The College’s name “崇基” and its Motto “止於至善” are engraved on the emblem in Small Seal Script (小篆 Xiao Yan), a style of calligraphy originated in the Qin Dynasty, 3rd century BCE.
The College Motto

Chung Chi College’s motto “In Pursuit of Excellence” ( 止 於 至 善 ) comes from The Great Learning《大學 – Da Xue》, one of the “Four Books” in Confucianism. It is found at the last part of the opening
sentence, ‘What the Great Learning teaches, is to illustrate illustrious virtue; to renovate the people; and to rest in the highest excellence.’ (大學之道 在明明德 在親⺠ 在止於至善) [English translation: James Legge] The pursuit of excellence is an eternal endeavor. The College motto upholds the spirit of life-long self-improvement in humanity, and the humble and liberal attitude of “never assuming one has achieved perfection”

Students Societies at CCC
Student Societies are grouped into the following categories:
Student Union, Faculty / Department Societies, Interest Groups and Other Associations, Class Societies, Non-Resident Hall, Residents’ Associations, and Mainland Student Association.
Student Union
The Chung Chi College Student Union is composed of all Chung Chi students. Final resolutions are made by referendum, then at the Joint Conference, the highest decision-making unit.
The Representative Council (“the Council”) is the highest legislative, supervisory and judicial body in the Student Union. According to the Constitution, the Council and four Standing Committees of the Council, including the Monitoring and Advisory Committee, Constitution Committee, Finance Committee and Election Committee, have the responsibilities ruled by the Constitution.
Interest Groups
These include the Photography Society, the Drama Club, the Rotaract Club, the Martial Art Society, the Debating Team, the Air Cadet Corps, Band Society, the Choir and Philharmonic Orchestra, etc. Apart from the above interest groups, there are a number of other associations that cater for the various needs of Chung Chi students. These include the Christian Student Fellowship, Uni-Y (CCC), Chung Chi Mainland Student Association, etc. They offer a number of activities for their members and those who are interested. All students are welcome to join any of these groups. The Dean of Students’ Office actively assists the groups to organize and implement different programmes.
Class Societies
A Class Society is formed by students graduating in the same year, with the aim of strengthening the bonding among the graduates of the same cohort. Class Society is responsible for organizing the farewell assembly and publishing Graduation Momento.
Residents’ Association
A Class Society is formed by students graduating in the same year, with the aim of strengthening the bonding among the graduates of the same cohort. Class Society is responsible for organizing the farewell assembly and publishing Graduation Momento.
Mainland Student Association
Founded in 2009, the Chung Chi Mainland Student Association (CCMSA) is the first college-level mainland student organization in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. CCMSA acts like a bridge that let mainland students communicate with local students and more importantly, with Chung Chi College. Since its foundation, CCMSA has organized a lot of interesting and popular activities, such as Party of Dumplings of Spring Festival, Seaside Camping, Volunteer Work, Exploration of Hong Kong and Cycling Trip. These activities enhance the connection among mainland students and between mainland and local students, provide opportunities for CCMSA members to get a further understanding of Hong Kong, and strengthen their sense of belonging to Chung Chi College.