Doshisha University
Doshisha Eigakko (Academy), the predecessor of Doshisha University, was founded in 1875 by Joseph Hardy Neesima (Jo Niijima). He was born as a son of a samurai in 1843. Due to the social circumstances of the time, he had a serious concern about the future of Japan and realized the importance of studying in Western countries. His passion made him leave Japan for America in 1864, defying an overseas travel ban. Neesima studied at Phillips Academy and then graduated from Amherst College with a Bachelor of Science degree, making him the first Japanese national to obtain a degree from a Western institution of higher education. He then studied at Andover Theological Seminary before returning to his homeland after ten years as a Christian missionary, with a strong ambition to establish a Christian university as well as to spread Christianity. Neesima wished not only to nurture individuals with diverse skills and abilities but also to nurture those who would put their conscience into practice. He died in 1890, at the age of 46, without fulfilling his ambition, however, his students and those who had the same ambition passed on his legacy and it lives on in many ways even today.

Neesima once said that Doshisha will take 200 years to complete.
Doshisha will celebrate its 150th anniversary of establishment in 2025. As a milestone toward the realization of the “ideal education” that we aim for, VISION 2025 below summarizes what Doshisha should look like at the time of its 150th anniversary. Neesima’s spirit are expressed as 6 visions, forming a rudder that will lead Doshisha University to the path we should take.
- Pioneer new learning methods
- Improve the quality of campus life
- Advance creativity and collaboration in research
- Welcome motivated students
- Further evolve internationalism
- Develop our brand strategy

For nearly 150 years, Doshisha University has been committed to the idea of “education of conscience” or nurturing “those who use their abilities as conscience dictates”. Our educational philosophy is encapsulated in the words engraved on the memorial monument at the main gate of each campus, which read, “I (Neesima) earnestly desire that many young people filled with conscience will be raised and sent out by our school”. Doshisha has indeed sent many promising graduates out into the world since its founding. The spiritual pillars of our educational activities: “Christian principles”, “liberalism”, and “internationalism” reflect this background.

President Professor UEKI Tomoko
Vice President Professor ATARASHI Shigeyuki
Vice President Professor TSUKAGOSHI Kazuhiko
Vice President Professor NAKAYACHI Kazuya
Vice President Professor TAKASUGI Naoshi
Vice President Professor NIIZEKI Mikiyo
Vice President Mr. NISHIOKA Toru
Academic Programs
School of Theology
Faculty of Letters
Faculty of Social Studies
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Economics
Faculty of Commerce
Faculty of Policy Studies
Faculty of Culture and Information Science
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences
Faculty of Health and Sports Science
Faculty of Psychology
Faculty of Global Communications
Faculty of Global and Regional Studies
The Institute for the Liberal Arts
Center for Global Education
Center for Japanese Language and Culture

Graduate School of Theology
Graduate School of Letters
Graduate School of Social Studies
Graduate School of Law
Graduate School of Economics
Graduate School of Commerce
Graduate School of Policy and Management
Graduate School of Culture and Information Science
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Life and Medical Sciences
Graduate School of Health and Sports Science
Graduate School of Psychology
Graduate School of Global Studies
Graduate School of Brain Science
Doshisha Law School
Doshisha Business School
Student population (as of May 2021)
Undergraduate 25,974
Graduate 2,042

Kyoto, Japan
Corporate video
Special features

<DOSHISHA-DAIKIN Next Environment Research Center>
Doshisha University and Daikin Industries, Ltd. signed an agreement for comprehensive cooperation in March 2020. Under this agreement, the Doshisha-Daikin Next Environment Research Center was established on the Kyotanabe Campus of Doshisha University in the following month.
The research projects undertaken by the Center are aimed at technological development which contributes to solving global environmental problems. One of the main research themes is the development of new technology for capturing, decomposing, and reusing CO2. Another major research theme is the development of efficient air conditioners. Along with such technological development, another important project of the Center is the development of talented people who possess knowledge in both the natural sciences and the humanities/social sciences knowledge, and who can tackle environmental problems. It is clear that environmental issues cannot be solved by focusing solely on science and technology. Therefore, the Center will offer the “Next Environment” Collaborative Creation Course as a new educational program for the fusion of the humanities and sciences. The course facilitates cooperative learning by active students and working professionals with various experiences, a design which allows participants to stimulate each other through lectures and exercises. It is expected that these activities will enable the cultivation of people who are capable of seriously considering what actions they can take for the “next environment”—that is, for the future environment.

< Doshisha Space-DREAM Project>
The “Doshisha Space-DREAM Project” (Doshisha Research Project for Active Life in Space Engineering and Medical Biology) was launched in April 2018 as a Base for Advanced Education and Research in Doshisha University. It was organized to integrate various fields of the university working towards improving human health, including Science and Engineering, Life and Medical Sciences, Sports Health Science, and Neuroscience, to form an integrated research base and international hub for research cooperation on how to extend healthy life expectancies based on the study of “Space Biomedical Engineering”.
The research subject of the Doshisha Space-DREAM Project is the new academic discipline, space biomedical engineering, which conducts experiments in low-gravity simulated environments. Expanding upon this subject, the project engages in research connected to practical applications for various medical endeavors, including new kinesitherapies for astronauts and those with trouble walking, developments in strategies and equipment for rehabilitation, and drug development. Furthermore, by conducting international joint research with the NASA Johnson Space Center, UC System schools (University of California at Los Angeles and San Diego) in the United States, University of Genoa in Italy, and other academic institutions, the project aims to produce distinctive research results and develop globally minded human resources who can take on any challenge.
(at the 2019 Project Kickoff Symposium)
<Keishiryo Dormitory>
Doshisha’s first educational dormitory opened in 2021. This is an environment where students with different racial, sexual, physical and cultural backgrounds will be mixed and interact with each other. Students may acquire the ability to understand different views and values and to develop new creative ideas out of such differences through practicing multicultural and intergenerational exchange in the dormitory and the local community respectively.