Dr. Lawrence Chuan Cheng Chen
Assistant Professor
Providence University, Taiwan
A Faculty Exchange Experience of Learning
and Collaboration
During my time at Hannam University in Daejeon, Korea, as part of the Faculty Exchange Program, I engaged in various activities and discussions. I shared mutual interests and explored potential research cooperation on social enterprise and social economy with Professor Im-Su PARK, the head of the department. We discussed the similarities and differences between social enterprises in Korea and Taiwan, noting how Korean social enterprises are often supported by large conglomerates like SK, which founded Happy Nara, a social enterprise specializing in SCM.
Additionally, I participated in a unique project involving the innovative design of tacit evangelism contact for a Christianity course, which served as a demonstration of social innovation in a Christian university setting.
Adjusting to life in Korea was relatively easy due to the high quality of reception, communication, and hospitality provided by Hannam University. The excellent accommodation further eased my transition. However, I faced challenges with the language, particularly with the lack of English labels on home appliance controllers, such as the water heater and air conditioner, both in campus accommodations and other hotels across Korea.
Other challenges included the absence of English explanations for online bus e-tickets. I managed these difficulties by using various translation apps on my mobile phone and seeking assistance from the kind staff at the Center of International Relations at Hannam University, who helped with language communication issues related to bus and taxi transportation.
This study program provided fresh insights and learnings, particularly in the area of social innovation in Christianity education. The collaborative projects between students and professors, culminating in term-sharing reports in the chapel, highlighted a lifelong learning direction for ACUCA member universities dedicated to evangelism.
Additionally, the management strategy of providing free, yet delicate, lunch boxes and small gifts for students in a Christian-themed café created an attractive and engaging learning environment.
From my study abroad experience, I learned that a sincere and solid Christian identity fosters real friendships, which facilitate deep future cooperation. This was evident after my persistent efforts to connect with over 15 ACUCA member universities over more than a year and a half.
The success of my faculty exchange program was greatly supported by the Office of the Center of International Relations (CIR) at Hannam University, Daejeon, Korea. Their exceptional reception, communication, hospitality, and accommodation significantly contributed to the program’s success.
My experience with the ACUCA FMS has made me more eager to interact and cooperate with other Asian cultures. I am now more willing to contribute to such exchanges in the future.
For fellow faculty considering the ACUCA’s Faculty Exchange Program, I recommend not giving up and continuing to seek a willing host institution among ACUCA member universities. Focus on three main areas: ensuring good quality of reception, communication, hospitality, and accommodation by the host institution; promoting social innovation in Christianity education and taking the mission of evangelism seriously; and finding mutually beneficial cooperation partners through shared interests and potential research collaborations on cross-country subjects.