The executive committee is composed of the executive (administrative) officers and the members of the Board. Guided by the goals and objectives of ACUCA, the executive officers are tasked in the execution and administration of the ACUCA plans and programs. These officers include the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and the General Secretary. The members of the Board are representives of member institutions. Specifically, countries with at least four members will have a seat in the Board. Countries with less than four member instituions will be grouped together. The General Secretary will serve as the secretary of the Executive Committee but has no voting rights. Among the duties and powers of the Executive Committee are: to approve projects and proposals, to act on behalf of the Association in between general assemblies, to approve new memberships of the Association, to recommend to the General Assembly the approval of biennial and management conferences’ programmes, budget, and necessary amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws.
Executive Committee Members