- The prospective institution should contact the ACUCA Secretariat for information on the Executive Committee member of their home country.
- The appointed Executive Committee member will assist the prospective institution in gathering one letter of recommendation from an ACUCA member institution of the home country and one letter of recommendation from an ACUCA member institution of another country.
- After the application form has been filled in, all documentation should be sent to the Secretariat for processing.
- A completed Application form [Click here to download the form.]
- Endorsement by an Executive Committee member from the home country
- One letter of recommendation from an ACUCA member institution of the home country
- One letter of recommendation from an ACUCA member institution of another country
Applicants from new countries will be required to receive endorsements from three Executive Committee members
- The Secretariat will take all of the documentation to the next sitting of the Executive Committee meeting, at which a decision will be made as to the approval of the prospective institution.
- The General Secretary will inform the institution of the result of their application.
- New membership is to be reported to the General Assembly after its official approval is granted at the Executive Committee meeting.
- The institution will pay the membership fee for the designated period. Membership fees vary according to the country.